Urška Jenko

Web Developer

My story

During my information science classes in secondary school, I (just like most of my schoolmates) was mostly bored and more concerned with sudokus than lectures themselves. And when the teacher introduced us to the basics of programming, it felt like he was speaking Chinese. However, when I did some programming 8 years later, I was immediately hooked. I started experimenting and exploring different options. Optiweb has given me the chance to work alongside extremely competent coworkers, tackle awesome challenges and deal with diverse tasks, thus further expanding my knowledge and honing my skills.

When in doubt ... Google it.

Fun facts

#1When I was younger, I was sure I didn't know how to sleep.
#2I have a cactus that I call Octopus.

They asked me …

Which has been your greatest challenge at Optiweb?

Nothing was more difficult than the tasks I received when I applied for the trainee position here at Optiweb. Looking at the task list, I either did not know how to start or I simply didn’t understand the tasks themselves. I was busy with these tasks for two weeks, working from dusk till dawn. I even completely gave up three times, but always picked things back up because I couldn’t just give up. Today, I would probably be finished with such tasks in a single day.

What aspects of work do you enjoy most?

When I sometimes don’t even know how to deal with something and then it all works out brilliantly.

If you were an animal, you'd be ...

… an Alpine chough. Gliding over mountain peaks seems like an awesome idea. However, I don’t know how I would cope with laying eggs.

Which is your favourite day of the week?

Friday, when the whole team heads out to enjoy the best burgers in Škofja Loka.

Let’s start a project