How to make the most of your Google My Business listing during the COVID-19 pandemic?

In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies all over the world are changing their business models and Google isn't far behind. If your company also has a Google My Business listing, make sure you change it accordingly and use it to your advantage. How? Find out in the article!
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The strike of coronavirus or why agility is now important more than ever

In the last couple of weeks, coronavirus has shaken up the entire world. It has changed our everyday lives and, with it, our priorities, needs and of course shopping behavior. How did some of our agile clients respond to that? Find out in the article.
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8 Tricks for Higher Organic Reach of Your LinkedIn Profile

Algorithm changes are common practice in the world of social media. What does the new LinkedIn algorithm dictate for all personal profiles? Read the 8 tips that will help you improve your LinkedIn communication and take your profile to the next level.
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Case Study: Achieving 1600% ROAS with a Comprehensive Digital Approach

How can a company deal with a decrease in sales on one hand and a strong and increasingly active competition on the other? With a comprehensive digital strategy! Find out how we increased our client's investment for 1600% in our article.
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Amazon: A company that could employ a quarter of Slovenia

In 2018, the number of Amazon employees surpassed the number of half a million. How does Amazon manage to handle its increasing service and such an increasing number of employees? Find out!
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Amazon Prime: How Amazon set new foundations for loyalty programs

Amazon is well aware that a well-thought-out strategy of loyalty programs is key to obtaining loyal customers and reaching higher sales. What exactly does it offer and how did it manage to bind its users in its retail empire? Find out in the article.
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Amazon: A recipe for success

Today, Amazon is known as one of the biggest retail providers online. How did it succeed in taking over the market and how does it manage to keep surprising the internet spheres on a daily basis? And, even more importantly, how can we benefit from it? Find out in the article!
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Case study: Reaching a 100% increase in sales with the right Google Ads structure

How did we manage to improve our client's sales for 100% and what Google Ads strategy did we use to address their target audience on foreign markets? Read about it in our case study!
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TikTok: The app everyone is talking about

For a while now, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and YouTube have been among the most popular social networking apps. Now, we have a new player in town; the TikTok app. What can this platform offer us and what advertising options does it present? Find out in the article!
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8 tools for finding long-tail keywords

Are you falling behind your competiton but don't know how to optimize your website with the right keywords that will bring quality traffic to your site? Then take a look at our article and find the answers!
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